The UK aims to become a ‘net-zero’ nation by 2050 and OZEV (Office for Zero-Emission Vehicles) is providing electric vehicle drivers, landlords, apartment block owners & businesses with grant funding towards the purchase and installation costs of EV charging points.
Electrification is happening and it is happening now!
OZEV is enabling drivers and businesses to benefit from significant cost savings when purchasing and installing charging points to support the accelerating growth of electric vehicle ownership.
These grant funding incentives are implemented to encourage drivers and businesses to make the transition to cleaner and greener modes of transport to reduce emissions for a better and healthier environment.

Grant funding for home charging point installations:
The EVHS (Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme) now targets rental residents and landlords, enabling them to save on charge point purchase and installation costs.
Rental property residents are eligible for £350 grant funding towards their charging point purchase and installation.
Residents must have off-street parking and an eligible EV/PHEV to qualify for the grant.
Landlords and housing associations can benefit from £350 per charging socket (units with two sockets will be eligible for £700).
Landlords and housing associations can submit a maximum of 200 grant funding applications per year. There are no limits on the number of charging sockets per property; however, they must be installed across private parking spaces.
Apartment block owners can take advantage of £30,000 grant funding per apartment block; this will be limited to 30 grant applications per year.
The grant funding will be capped at £500 per parking bay to wire them for future charging infrastructure or £850 per parking bay for a working electric vehicle charging point.
Apartment blocks must have five electric vehicle charging bays per one installed charging point.

Grant funding for workplace charging point installations:
The WCS (Workplace Charging Scheme) allows a diverse range of businesses to benefit from grant funding to purchase and install their chosen charging points.
Registered businesses are eligible for up to £14,000 (£350 per charging socket) grant funding towards the purchase and installation of their charging points, allowing staff and fleet drivers to recharge their electric vehicles on site.
A maximum of 40 charging sockets are eligible for the WCS per property.
The business must also have private parking.
Small accommodation businesses such as B&Bs and holiday lets are eligible for up to £14,000 (£350 per charging socket) grant funding towards the purchase and installation of their charging points, allowing staff to recharge on-site.
The business must be a registered business, have private parking and have less than 250 employees.
A maximum of 40 charging sockets are eligible for the WCS per property.
Charities can also gain from the WCS, benefiting from up to £14,000 (£350 per charging socket) grant funding towards purchasing and installing their charging points.
The organisation must be a registered charity and must have off-street parking.
Commercially let property owners are eligible for £350 grant funding per year; however, this grant funding is capped at 100 sockets per year.
The parking spaces where the charging points are located must be reserved for future commercial tenants, fleet drivers and employees that drive an electric vehicle.
Small to medium enterprises (SMEs) are eligible for £15,000 grant funding per building.
Businesses must ensure that five parking bays are dedicated to electric vehicle charging.
The grant funding will be capped at £500 per parking space to wire them for future charging infrastructure or £850 per parking space for a working electric vehicle charging point.
Businesses can claim up to five grants; there are no limits to how many sockets can be installed per building.
However, enterprises must not exceed the maximum grant funding available per building and the maximum grant claims.

We are lucky enough to live in a beautiful part of the Country that lots of people visit, but please note:
Small accommodation businesses such as B&Bs and holiday lets are eligible for up to £14,000 (£350 per charging socket) grant funding towards the purchase and installation of their charging points, allowing staff to recharge on-site.
- The business must be a registered business*
- Have private parking
- Have less than 250 employees.
- A maximum of 40 charging sockets are eligible for the WCS per property.
- * You must be registered at Companies House.
- If not, you must be VAT registered with Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC).
If you are not registered at either, you will not be eligible for the grant.
If you would like further information or a quote for a charger, please feel free to contact Mr. Electric and please find the link below to apply for the workplace grant voucher.